This month we've decided that we are going to introduce something new - the 'DTM's Special Mention'. Each month the Design Team Member who has chosen the theme gets to choose the Top 3. We want to introduce this special mention for the entry we think has shown the best creative and original interpretation of the theme. The winner will get their own special blog button and will also be invited to guest as a designer for the following month's challenge. So, let's get to it!
The winner (decided by is:
Congratulations to #79 - Julie Owens, your £20 shop voucher and winner's badge is on it's way! We hope you'll guest for us next month.
This month, the Top 3 have been chosen by Chris:
"I have to reiterate what my colleagues have expressed in previous months - it is so hard to choose! There have been so many beautiful entries it's difficult to know where to start. My thoughts on challenges is not how much you have but what you do with it. Therefore, I've based my decisions on how well I felt the project met the theme and on composition - the creativity with which the elements chosen had been brought together to convey the theme."
In numerical order:
Congratulations to all three, your badges should be in your in-tray. We hope you'll join us as guests next month too.
Chris’s DTM's Special Mention goes to:
"I've chosen Rosie's entry because it demonstrated the creative thought of doing something different. Starting with a photo', then using recent techniques and stitching, but adding parchment in an unusual way. I found this piece quite refreshing."
Congratulations Rosie, our first ever winner of the DTMSM award, your button should also be in your letterbox and we hope you'll step alongside us next month!
Well done everyone and thanks again for taking part. xxx