Good evening friends!
Sincere apologies for the lateness of this post this month, totally my fault, I've been so busy I met myself coming back and totally forgot it, lol! "Get on with it Chris!" I hear you shout....
DECEMBER'S WINNER has chosen....... #55, kanda of KandA Creative Moments
Astrid chose our topic for December and here is her Top 3 selection (numerical order)...
#52 - Carol of Crafty-Stamper 

DECEMBER'S DTMSM (DT Members' Special Mention)
Astrid's choice for the most original and creative make for her theme is...
Congratulations one and all, emails are winging their way to you so please watch for them.
Alison will be here in the morning with our last project post for this month - please don't miss it!
Take care,
Chris and the team xxx