Hello everybody! It's time to announce the October Challenge Winner. There were some really fabulous entries and we always love seeing what you're inspired to make by each theme. So here is the winner of our Challenge and Sue's Top Three & DTSM . Are you sitting comfortably? Then let's begin!
October Bokeh winner of the £20 Country View Crafts voucher, selected by Random Generator from the challenge entries is..
Thank you so much to everyone who played along with my challenge. There were some fabulous entries, and I'm thrilled that some of you tried this technique for the first time. Here are my top 3.

No 17 Margaret - such a dreamy Christmas card and I love that you made your own stencil (mine's homemade too)

No 6 Jo - Beautiful colours and such a romantic piece for your wedding anniversary.

No 12 Carol - These silhouette stamps look perfect against the bokeh background.
And my Design Team Special Mention goes to No15 Aimeslee. I love that you went along with your happy accident, it looks wonderful, and your cards are always as pretty on the inside and back as they are on the front.
Thanks again to everyone who took part,
Sue x
Fantastic work all around! Congratulations - your badges will be on their way soon, and we hope you'll display them with pride.