Hello everybody! It's time to announce the February Challenge Winner. There were some really fabulous entries and we always love seeing what you're inspired to make by each theme. So here is the winner of our Challenge and Teresa's Top Three. Are you sitting comfortably? Then let's begin!
February Splatters, Splashes & Drips winner of the £20 Country View Crafts voucher, selected by Random Generator from the challenge entries is..
It was lovely to see so many wonderful interpretations of my Splatters, Splashes and Drips theme for February's challenge. As always, it was difficult to pick just three favourites!! But, it had to be done, and here (in no particular order) are my Top 3:

Lots of wonderful texture and layers on this piece, and the white splatters really lift it. Well done!!

This piece made me smile!! I love the detailed walk-through and all the inky layering. Great job!!

Love the contrast of the inky background with the precise astronomical imagery. A very striking page. Love it!!
Thanks to everybody who entered, it's been a pleasure looking at all your artwork xx
Fantastic work all around! Congratulations - your badges will be on their way soon, and we hope you'll display them with pride.