Tuesday, 23 May 2023

Vintage Flight

Miriam here, thank you for joining me today!

Here is my second project for the 'Vehicles' theme:

I love this vintage Ideology card.

Pop to my blog to see what products I used to create this card.

Happy crafting!


Sunday, 21 May 2023

Bon Voyage!

 Hello and happy sunday!

For my second project for the May challenge I made a card for someone going on a travel.

If you want to know, how I made this card, please visit my blog.

Now I hope to see some vehicles from you! There are some days left to join in our challenge.

Thank you for your visit today!

Friday, 19 May 2023

All Aboard


A difficult male card to make soon? Yes Father's Day is next month, get prepared!

Find out on my blog how I made  this card and hop on board my old steam train to get you there.


Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Farmers come from Good stock

 Hello there! Its Rachel here today with another make for the vehicle challenge.

I live in a farming community so thought this was a good vehicle to choose.
You can get more details over on my blog here.
Hope you can join us!
Rachel xx

Monday, 15 May 2023

Go Explore

 Good morning and a very happy Monday!

It's Sue here with my second project for our Vehicle challenge.

If you would like to see how my floating teapot came about, 
please pop across to my blog here.
Take care, and have a very happy week x

Saturday, 13 May 2023



Hi everyone Debs here with another sewing themed project for a May challenge of Vehicles. 

This cute bag was all stitched in the hoop using the embroidery attachment of my sewing machine. Come see how this was made on my blog

Thursday, 11 May 2023

Still driving for our May Vehicles challenge

Hello it's Jane  here today with my 2nd design team make to hopefully inspire you to join our May "Vehicles" challenge. I used the same Visible Image car stamp as for my first post but made something completely different using bright zingy distress colours and 2 other VI stencils. 

If you zoom over to my blog post today here  I have a step by step showing you how to make this male birthday card.

Bye for now,

Jane x

Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Steam Locomotive

 Hi everyone, it's Jo here.

Today I'm pleased to be sharing a Steam Locomotive page for this month's Vehicles challenge.

I created this page using papers from a Voyages Fantastiques pad by Stamperia; I had so much fun colouring the steam train image using Distress Inks. To see how it all came together, please pop over to my blog, Let's Art Journal.

Thanks for joining me today. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

Sunday, 7 May 2023

April Winners

 Hello everybody! Here are our April Winners.  There were some really fabulous entries and we always love seeing what you're inspired to make by each theme.  Are you sitting comfortably?  Then let's begin!

The April .  winner of the £20 Country View Crafts voucher, selected by Random Generator from the challenge entries is Number 67


Congratulations and now onto the design Team top 3 and special mention 

My top 3 in no particular order are: 

I just thought this was so pretty! 

The use of colour in this is fabulous - love it!

Such an amazing scene - love it.

My special mention is for emmatrenouth

What a fantastic piece of colourful mixed media gorgeousness! love it!

Fantastic work all around!  Congratulations - please contact Debs on debs@deborahwainwright.com with win or DT  top 3  in  the subject to claim your prizes and badges, by May 31st to be eligible.  

Once we have your details your prizes will be winging their way to you and we hope you'll display them with pride.  Don't forget to join us in our May  Challenge.  

Friday, 5 May 2023

Blessed are the curious

 Hi everyone, 

I am here with the second instalment for the 'Vehicle' challenge. I have made a postcard this time:

If you would like to see how I made this then hop over to my BLOG where everything is explained. 

Thank you so much for stopping by today ! 

Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Tag with a London bus


Hello everyone,

here is my second inspirational project for our May challenge, Vehicle.

This time I chose a bus and created a London themed tag.

More info is on my blog.

Monday, 1 May 2023

May 2023 - Vehicles

Welcome to our May Challenge. This month the theme is Vehicles chosen by our lovely Monika. If in doubt just check the dictionary for a precise definition. We hope you will enjoy joining us in this challenge. Don't forget, by entering your name gets added to the draw to win a £20 gift voucher to spend in the online shop!


Hello everyone,
for our May challenge, I created a graduation card for my nephew.
I think the new Road Trip die by Tim Holtz was perfect for this occasion.
If you need a tutorial, please visit my blog.


Good morning and a very happy Monday.

The 1st of the month always brings a new challenge, and this time it's a really interesting one - Vehicles.

If only we could have a time machine, what would you do, and where in time would you go? 

Take care and have a very happy May x

 Happy May.  Here is my first project for the 'Vehicles' challenge:

Pop over to my blog to see what I used to create this grungy tag.

Happy crafting!


Happy May everyone, summer is just around the corner now. For our May "Vehicles" challenge I made a male birthday card using one of my favourite stamp sets for male cards, from Visible Image. 

I blended a distress ink background and teamed it with a VI stencil.
If you would like a step by step of how I made it just zoom over to my blog here where all is revealed.

Have a lovely month ahead,

Jane x


Hi everyone. My vehicle of choice for this month's challenge is a Submarine (smile!).

I created this page using Ranger Texture Paste, Distress Paints and Glossy Accents with
a fabulous stencil and Sea World papers from Stamperia. To see how it all came together,
please visit my blog, Let's Art Journal. Hugs, Jo x


 Hello everyone, happy May! For the new Challenge I have made a journal spread.

If you would like to know how I made this spread then please hop
over to my BLOG where everything is explained ! 

See you soon for more inspiration! 

Corrie x


Choo Choo! My vehicle is a beautiful steam train! Please hop over to 
my blog for more details. I wish you can join us!

Hugs, Rachel x


Do pop over to my blog where, as well as the details for my make,
I divulge what went on behind the scenes...
Enjoy the Journey!


Hello and happy 1st of May!

For the challenge this month I made an art journal page.

If you want to know, how this page came together, please visit my blog.

Have a sunny May!


Hi everyone Debs here with another stitching project for you with a lovely camper van. All the details on my blog  


Debs xx


Wow some gorgeous projects from our Design Team! Now lets see your projects and don't forget to make sure that you have read the rules to make your project a valid entry to the challenge.

Happy crafting!