Friday 17 July 2015

Doreen's scrapping today...

Hello Bloggers!

Doreen's here with us this morning and we're pleased to see she's sharing a scrapbook page, we don't see too many of those these days...

I have a Scrapbook layout for my second piece this month
Really enjoyed doing this as I haven't done one for a long time...

As always there is more info about this on my blog.

A fabulous layout Doreen, it shouts out exactly what our theme is all about - thank you!

Come on then folks, get those crafting goodies out, we'd like to see where you've been travelling to or, perhaps, where you're going....?

Another terrific guest post on Sunday but until then, have a great weekend!

Chris and the CVC team xxx


  1. brilliant make doreen. wonderful lo. x

  2. Wonderful scrapbook pagae Doreen, makes me want to head off to the City of Light!


We love to know what you think about our site, our challenges and the projects our DT Members and guests donate. All constructive comments are welcome and if you have any questions we have provided a contact form on the sidebar.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and support us. Happy crafting!

Susan and the CVC team xxx