Sunday 13 September 2015

Beware Halloween

It's that spooky time of the year coming up and all the crafty ghosts and ghools are starting to come out to play. Let's take a look at how Trace is embracing the season.


For my second numbers inspired make I used lots of number rub-ons in the background and then focused on 31, which let me go off and play with all my Halloween goodies! I used a number plaque as the focus for this number inspired piece...
For all the details please hop to my blog here . trace  x


Thank you Trace for getting us into the Halloween mood and sharing this fabulous tag with a focus on the number 31.

Don't forget our September challenge, click in the side bar and you will be transported there straight away.

Have a great Sunday and new week ahead.

hugs Brenda and the CVC Team xxx


  1. Wow, love that! Great combination of ephemera!

  2. He definitely remains one of my all-time favourite stamps! Fabulous tag, Trace.
    Alison xx

  3. Love, love, love! Off to take a closer look Trace. Deb xo

  4. Ah! Love this! I've got to have a closer look!

  5. Totally cool trace!! Love your tag!!
    off for more info!
    Jackie xx


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Thank you for taking the time to stop by and support us. Happy crafting!

Susan and the CVC team xxx