Saturday 11 April 2015

Astrid's crossing over today.....

Good morning all!

It's Saturday, it's the weekend, and what better than a beautiful crafty vintage project from our talented Astrid.....

Kraft card can be used in so many different ways. For this project I made a very vintage style Crossover card with matching envelope box, tags and gift card holder. Details can be found on my blog like usual.

Oh Astrid, such a clever idea and what a gorgeous project - thank you!

Your project can be vintage, it could be contemporary, we don't mind because we love all genres here.  Whether you prefer something quick and simple or something more complex, we'd like you to show us exactly what you're doing with your kraft card.  Remember, one of our entries will be chosen at random to win the £20 shop voucher from our generous sponsor, Country View Crafts.

We hope you'll bookmark us and pop back again on Monday when our second Top 3 guest will be joining us!

Have a fun day!

Chris and the team xxx