Monday 7 March 2022

February Winner and Design Team top 3

 Hello everybody! Here are our February Winners.  There were some really fabulous entries and we always love seeing what you're inspired to make by each theme.  Are you sitting comfortably?  Then let's begin!

The February winner of the £20 Country View Crafts voucher, selected by Random Generator from the challenge entries is


Congratulations. Your voucher code & Winners badge will be with you shortly.

And Jane is sharing her top 3 (in no order) and her DT special mention too. Hi there it was a difficult choice for me as so many fab entries but here goes...

A very romantic creation with lots of texture.

I loved the simplicity of the heart aperture and the lovely pansies inside.


A fab heart border with a lovely dimensional flower. Good to see a circle card too.

and finally my special DT mention goes to

who make this gorgeous hearts and flowers plaque. I love everything about this...the colours too.

Fantastic work all around! Congratulations - your badges will be on their way soon, and we hope you'll display them with pride and don't forget to join us in our March Challenge.

Hugs from Country View Crafts Team
