Sunday 21 December 2014

Pretty poinsettias from Sue B...

Hello there!

Today's project is a second make from our lovely Sue B.  It's a traditional themed project from her...

Poinsettias and Red and White are very traditional colours at Christmas-time.
It is also nostalgic for me, more pics on my Blog.

Traditional indeed Sue and what a beauty!  Thank you!

If Sue's gorgeous card doesn't get you in the festive mood then perhaps nothing will, lol!  Whtever your thoughts on the festive season we'd like to see what nostalgia you can come up with!  Please remember to follow our (simple) rules.

Sue D is up next, don't miss it!

Chris and the team xxx


  1. How very beautiful!! Speaks of the Christmas season!!

  2. Oh, Wow, oh Wow, oh Wow! This is just gorgeous! Headed over to your blog to see all the wonderful details!


We love to know what you think about our site, our challenges and the projects our DT Members and guests donate. All constructive comments are welcome and if you have any questions we have provided a contact form on the sidebar.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and support us. Happy crafting!

Susan and the CVC team xxx