Wednesday 4 September 2013

Mian's guest project

You know we're off and running when you see the first post from one of our talented winners. Our first this month is Mian, one of our Top 3 merit award winners from July...

"Hello crafters! My name is Mian (from Sweden) and today I have the honor to be a Guest Designer at Country View Crafts. I was very surprised to be chosen as a Top 3 Merit Award Winner, I’m so happy and honored for this. Thank you so much.

When I heard the theme of this challenge was “Layers” I knew right away that I wanted to make something a little more special then a card. So, I decided to alter this matchbox and I think these are just perfect as Christmas gifts!"
This is beautiful Mian and such a clever idea, thank you!

We hope this piece gives you some additional ideas, we can't wait to see what you're all coming up with. Another fab project will be posted in a few days time but until then 'Happy crafting'. xxx