Saturday 11 June 2016

May Winner, Top Three, DTMSM and Bloghop Winner!

Hello everybody!  It's time to announce the May winners - not only our Challenge Winner, Top Three and Design Team Member Special Mention, but also our Birthday Bloghop Winner.  Are you sitting comfortably?  Then let's begin!


First of all, the winner of the £20 Country View Crafts voucher, selected by Random Generator from the challenge entries is...

Number #5 - that's Samantha Wade of Craftroom Delights with this fabulous butterfly design.

Congratulations, Samantha!  Your winner's badge and voucher will be on their way to you shortly, and we hope you'll join us a a Guest Designer here at Country View Challenges in the future.

Now it's time for Christine a.k.a. Craftyfield to share her top picks with you.  As always you made it very difficult to choose from so many amazing entries, but here they are in no particular order.

#7 Craftymama (Lesley) from Crafty Love and Hugs

 Christine said: Loved the trio of ATCs made from a Gelli print, with its luscious  layers of paints and stencilling, including the accidental crackle!

#20 Autumn from Sew Paper Paint

 Christine said: A gorgeous Mixed Media canvas with a Vintage vibe. Loved the stencilling as well as the 3D cluster of embellishments that showcase the photo perfectly.

#67 Ellie from Paper Stamps Colour

 Christine said: A rare one layer Mixed Media make, and a very fresh design. I love this Gelli print where the negative stencil plays peek-a-boo with the layers of paint and stamping. 


And finally, last but not least, here's Christine's choice for the Design Team Member's Special Mention.
#22 Nick from Barnsley Crafter

 Christine said: I was so impressed by this very original scene created with a piece of Permagano as a frame and some delicate stencilling building up to a landscape. Lots of work but a fabulous result !


Fantastic work all around!  Congratulations - your badges will be on their way soon, and we hope you'll display them with pride.

Now finally it's time to announce the randomly selected winner of our Birthday Bloghop and that very special Sizzix BigShot Machine and Die Bundle, courtesy of Country View Crafts.  Thanks to everyone who participated and passed on such lovely birthday greetings.  We're so grateful to all of you for being part of the fun but, of course, there can only be one winner.

Drum roll, please....

Number 21 - That's Sandy D of Sandy's Piece of Heaven.  Congratulations, Sandy, and thank you for your visits and comments to all our blogs.  We'll be in touch very soon to arrange delivery of your prize package.


Thank you all, once again, for your brilliant support and for sharing your amazing creativity with us each month in the challenges.  Don't forget, we're looking forward to seeing your Crackle projects this month... and if you need inspiration, there's always some to be found from the team here at Country View Challenges.

Happy Crafting all!
The CVC team xx