Saturday 9 June 2018

May Winner, Top 3 & DTMSM

Hello everybody!  It's time to announce the May Challenge Be Humorous winners.  There were some really fabulous entries and we always love seeing what you're inspired to make by each theme.  So here are the May winner of our Challenge, Top Three and Design Team Member Special Mention.  Are you sitting comfortably?  Then let's begin!


 May winner of the £20 Country View Crafts voucher, selected by Random Generator from the challenge entries is...
Congratulations Sarah - your voucher will be with you shortly. Now over to Monica

Thanks to all of you who joined the CVC May challenge!
Although we had more popular challenges before
 - it seems it was a real challenge for you -
yet it was very hard for me to choose the Top 3 and the Special Mention.

So here is my decision where you will see that in May in the humour category the Katzelcraft bore the palm!

Cornelia made a fabulous CAS card with a beautifully coloured parrot. 
That naughty little bird just escaped from his cage, so the adventure begins...

44. Sarah
Sarah created a very interesting background for her cheeky rats and for sure one of them is more cheeky than the other.

46. Sarah
Sarah (aka Crafty Rat who didn't use rats for her project not like her namesake) was the last one who entered our challenge. How fortunate we are that she was playing along with us! The text that she used was a very popular one from Dyan Raeveley but the background she created was very unique and artsy!

And the special mention goooeees to:

22. Amanda
Amanda added - what else? - a Katzelcraft stamp to the Tim Holtz stamps. 
On Amanda's card, we can see an equilibrist performance. This stupid duck thinks he can walk along on a rope at great height, so he's trying to tiptoe and of course, he has a funny face!

And again, thank you so much for participating in our challenge! 
Happy crafting! 


Fantastic work all around!  Congratulations - your badges will be on their way soon, and we hope you'll display them with pride.

And don't forget there is still time to join us in our June Challenge