Thursday 7 November 2013

More from the Design Team

Wow, we're loving your projects! It's great to see you all joining in, there are some really novel ideas and beautiful, beautiful projects - thank you!

Today Chris is appearing with her second piece which is somewhat unique we think.... a crossword card! Read on...

"I wanted to make something really different and, being a puzzle fanatic, this came to mind. It makes a fab card for a guy and I've put the full details together with the puzzle clues and solution in a pdf file for you to download on my own blog. Come to think of it, you could even use it to make a thoughtful Christmas card for the right person. I hope you have fun with it."

Thanks Chris, this looks like fun - it's certainly different! You can see the details and download Chris's pdf file from her own blog.

We hope you're having fun with this theme because we're looking forward to seeing more entries with more of your great projects. We will be showing you another creative idea in a few days time.

Have fun! xxx